Car Maintenance for Dummies That We Can Try to Apply

Having and vehicle aside from its type such as car, motorcycle and other may needs us to do some maintenance. As maintenance is an important thing to do to our automobile, some people usually neglect it and it will make their vehicle work in not their best potential. Additionally sometimes it can be broken on some time that may cause us additional problem.

Therefore to avoid this problem it is always a good idea to have some guide and also knowledge about car maintenance for dummies. In the next paragraph we will be sharing some interesting tips that we can do to minimize the broken parts in our automobile.


First of all we need to know which kinds parts in the car that need to be maintained. A good examples is wiper, wiper even though feel somewhat not really useful is actually very important for any automobile. Just imagine that when you are in a snow storm and also rain without functional wiper. You can imagine it will be hard for you just to walk away from those situations without functional wiper blades and wiper. Therefore it is important to make sure that the component in our wiper is maintained accordingly.

There is several simple step car maintenance for dummies especially for you who want to change the wiper. First of all, you need to make sure that you have the new wiper part. It can be bought for only 10 to 15 dollar on any automobile store. Finally try to exchange it by following these steps.

The first step is to make sure that you raise the metal arm of the wiper away from your car windshield. Try to hold this position carefully because it has spring inside it that can snap if not done carefully which can either snap at you or your windshield and made a crack in your windshield.

After that the next step that you need to do is to unhook the blade of the wiper. Try to look at the joint and then find the small plastic so it can be separated easily. After you have done this step the next step is quite simple as you only need to insert the new component or the wiper inside but please be sure that you done it correctly as it can be loose and you need to make sure that the hook is fastened and will not lose just by giving it some impact. After that you only need to do the same thing for the second wiper and it all goes right.

Of course these maintenance is not the only thing that you can do, for examples you can also exchange your own tires and other components of the car that can be easily changed by your own strength. Even with this guide and tips about car maintenance for dummies, it does not mean that you can neglect the official or daily service and maintenance using an expert mechanic because daily maintenance will absolutely improve the condition and minimize the probability of the automobile to be broken on certain time.